Alexis and Dunkin


Welcome to Natural Vibes Collective, I’m Alexis.

Looking back on how I got here is a story that weaves many different aspects of my life into one ever-evolving rope through time. I didn’t think I was different as a kid, but I was. I could sense things; things about people, places and ideas. One of the first instances I remember was seeing and talking to my grandfather after he had passed away. We had a special bond and I loved him very much; to have him leave the living plane wasn’t easy for me so he would come back and check on me. I vividly remember knowing and feeling how people felt, even without them saying anything. I questioned religion and societal “norms” from a young age. To me, this was all “the norm,” I thought everyone around me could sense and pick up on these vibes just like I could. It wasn’t until years later that I borrowed A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle from a friend and it BLEW the damn doors wide open for me. It opened up ideas and ways doing things differently and it resonated deep into my Being. From then on, I can truly say that I had finally started to become the person I wanted to be. It’s important to mention, I was around 23 at the time and I also had my fair share (maybe more) of my wild child moments.

As I was finishing up my teaching degree, I knew I had to start job hunting. By random chance (love those synchronicities) my mom had talked to a girl I used to play hockey with and she mentioned AmeriCorps. I was intrigued AND knew it could be my ticket out of my hometown. I applied to a few jobs all over California… I was going for it! I remember laying in bed one night after I had my applications in, thinking to myself that “this time next year, I will be in CA.” Sure enough, I got the call that I had been selected and would be a part of a group of volunteers working for a selection of non-profits in North Lake Tahoe! In 2009, my dad drove me and a car load of my belongings from ND to CA… the next part of my journey began.

From 2009 to this day, the Universe has continued to drop the most amazing guides, friends, teachers and lessons into my life. It has not always been easy, such is life, but the memories and life experiences have all been worth it. In my years living in Tahoe, I “just so happened” to stumble into Reiki and again, something clicked. I worked to become a Reiki Master and also learned Angelic Reiki. At the same time I had been learning and applying Reiki, I had noticed my health wasn’t where I wanted it to be. I preferred a more natural route for healing my body and knew it could heal itself with the proper foundation or food, supplements and mental support. After several years of working on it, I decided I wanted more knowledge about the relationship between food and my body. I went back to school and became a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. I hope to integrate nutritional health into my practice very soon!

I look forward to using my life experiences to help my clients feels a sense of connection and validation to further their healing process.

My sidekick, Dunkin, came to live with me in 2020 and since then we have been inseparable. He is the most gentle soul who loves to sleep and go for walks. Not much of a social guy, but loves having someone around and is friendly to all dogs and people. He loves to sit in/ wander around during sessions and take in the love.